
Lee Teng-hui set to embark on second trip to south Taiwan

... policies introduced by the government over the past three months, said a staffer from Taiwan Advocates, a think tank Lee established.Taipei Times

President Ma is neglecting foreign relations: pundits

Liu Shih-chung (劉世忠), a researcher at the Taiwan Brain Trust think tank and a former aid to Chen, said that by contrast, Chen valued the ...Taipei Times

Ex-Obama chief of staff to attend inauguration

... who is now a senior fellow at US think tank Brookings Institution and director of its Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, the AIT said.Taipei Times

Special forces receive new light combat vehicle

... three-seat vehicle, which comes with puncture-proof wheels, an anti-blast fuel tank, night-vision equipment and a searchlight, the article said.Taipei Times

Ma's approval rate slumps after fuel, electricity rate hikes

14 presidential election, but 43.5 percent did not agree, said Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明), convener of the think tank's law and politics program.Taipei Times

Electricity hike no solution: DPP

Huang Yu-lin (黃玉霖), a professor at National Chiao Tung University who works as the think tank's researcher, said the government and ...Taipei Times

NSB chief dismisses South China Sea bluster as 'bluff'

Tsai also dismissed an idea proposed by the National Policy Foundation, the Chinese Nationalist Party's (KMT) think tank, that Taiwan and ...Taipei Times

Ex-official opposes ARATS in Taiwan

... Central People's Government in Hong Kong,” Huang said on the sidelines of a forum organized by the Taiwan Brain Trust think tank in Taipei ...Taipei Times

Protest over WHO designation to be continued: official

He is also scheduled to deliver a speech at the European Institute for Asian Studies, a Brussels-based policy and research think tank supported ...Taipei Times

Ma's speech vague, conflicting: analysts

... containing the feed-additive ractopamine, said Wu Rong-i (吳榮義), president of the Taiwan Brain Trust think tank, which organized the forum.Taipei Times

Concerns over Ma's May 20 speech abound at forum

At a forum organized by the Taiwan Brain Trust think tank to discuss Ma's inauguration speech, academics expressed concerns about recent ...Taipei Times

Embedded Chinese advertisements prompt concern

Freedom House, a Washington-based think tank, on Tuesday released its Freedom of the Press 2012 report, which saw Taiwan's ranking move ...Taipei Times

Eurozone risks vicious circle: OECD

The drag on growth was evident in the Paris-based think tank's forecast for the 17-nation eurozone, which sees the bloc's economy shrinking ...Taipei Times

Experts worried about nation's economic prospects

... another 2.6 percent year-on-year decline for this month, before turning positive in June,” the Taipei-based think tank said in a statement.Taipei Times


點樣將youtube既短片放入ipod nano度 http://www.yout... 男女合唱(youtube) ? TANK + SELINA - 獨唱情歌雅虎香港


回憶的沙漏作曲: G.E.M.填詞: 庭竹拼圖一片片失落 輪... 我想要”如果我變成回憶/Tank”的歌詞及可以係邊到下載. 展示什么如果我連自己的脈搏都難 ...雅虎香港


另一款日本製的醒酒器Tank Glass,採用酒杯連體外形,內有氣壓設計,讓酒液由頂部流向小酒杯口,當流進一定容量便停止,不怕滿溢。此外,推介 ...雅虎香港


另外,房子底下有未挖掘的貯油糟(Oil Tank)、有溪流經過、有未來道路拓寬用地……都是可能會影響居住與改建的問題,如果不懂得閱讀相關文件, ...世界日報


這五十輛M88A2有百分之六十是由位於開羅的埃及戰車廠(Egyptian Tank Plant)第二百號廠區負責生產,剩餘的百分之四十則仍由美方製造, ...軍事新聞網


... 蕭煌奇肖想當自摸歌王 │2012-05-22; 安以軒升級D罩杯 │2012-05-22; 舒淇樂當孩子王被問生子嚷:快了 │2012-05-22; Tank告別華研10月娶 ...中時電子報


俄羅斯和義大利武器製造商奧托-梅萊拉公司計畫攜手生產義大利新型半人馬坦克(Centaur Tank),並向俄軍隊供應。據俄新社12日報導,目前在 ...朝鮮日報


另有一種密封式製法,叫酒缸製法(英文叫Tank Method,又稱Cuvee Close,都是意指密封酒缸),市場重要性很高,最有代表性的有意大利 ...經濟通

卡地亞英坦. 傳奇再續

當1919年11月15日,歷史上第一隻Tank腕錶在卡地亞錶廠內呱呱墜地,屬於Tank的傳奇就此展開。彼時的時代背景正值懷錶轉換至腕錶的過渡期, ...鉅亨網

Ella 陳嘉樺我就是預購版CD 首張個人EP

Ella陳嘉樺首張個人EP 人見人愛》》王治平領軍華研音樂最優秀新生代創作人,Ella、Tank、張簡君偉、藍小邪為壞女孩量身打造壞壞風,收錄「女孩壞壞」電影主題曲及 ...NOWnews


拍攝當天邀請了合唱的TANK入鏡,而兩人在MV中視線不僅沒有交會,一前一後與背對的鏡位,讓TANK笑說:「我成了賈斯汀(賀軍翔)的替代品,因為 ...Yes娛樂


3年沒發片的創作歌手Tank,悄悄結束和華研7年合約,雖事業不順,但30歲的他10月將與圈外女友結婚,他21日說:「很訝異消息會傳出去,本來想 ...中時電子報


【尤燕祺╱台北報導】3年沒發片的創作歌手Tank自爆「未婚生女」?他與交往2年多的女友Mermer原訂去年結婚,卻因沒做安全措施,意外「有了」女兒 ...蘋果日報


媒體報導,3年沒發片、日前和華研已解約的創作歌手Tank(30歲),自爆去年「未婚生女」,他與交往2年多的另一半Mermer原訂去年結婚,卻意外「做人」成功,去年11 ...聯合新聞網


娛樂中心/綜合報導〕歌手Tank坦承未婚生女,婚宴將在今年9月28補辦。和女友交往兩年多,他笑稱自己太大男人,至今仍未下跪求婚,只創作了一 ...NOWnews

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